Trying To Heal

Why Me? Why not me. Bad things happen to good people all the time. It's how we deal with the bad things that makes us who we are.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Welcome to my blog!

I haven't posted anything in quite awhile, I'm happy to report that life feels normal. I'm happy. My husband is doing well. He still has thoughts and temptations come to him, but they are not as strong as they used to be, and he has learned how to avoid strong temptations, and to push them out of his mind when they do come.

Trust is still sometimes an issue, but I'd say I trust 99%, that he is being honest with me about his addiction. I think that there will always be times when I wonder, but so far, when those times have come, we've been able to sit down together and his reassurance has been enough to comfort my fears.

I hope to never need this blog as an outlet again. It was a time in my life when I felt so alone, I felt a heavy burden and didn't know who I could share it with, and this blog allowed me to express myself and also find some friends who were going through similar things. To them, I say thank you. You will never know how much comfort you were to me.

I may not post anymore, but I want readers to know that if you are dealing with a spouse who has a pornography addiction, please, feel free to email me at alliegator321 at gmail dot com. You are not alone. I know the heartache and despair you feel. I also want you to know that there is hope, though you may not feel it now, it is there, and with the help of bishops, counselors (we went to LDS services), support groups, and some good software like SpectorSoft, you can overcome it. It will be difficult, but on the other side there can be more peace and happiness than there was before.

I've copied a few posts that I made at, a support group for addicts and their families so that all my thoughts are here. May you feel peace and hope as you read my journey, and know that you are not alone.  To read in order from the beginning, scroll down to the bottom and work your way up.


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